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Privacy policy

Updated on May 29 2024

The privacy policy is your guarantee. It outlines how data is collected, used, and kept safe, ensuring transparency between you and our website.

Our Commitment to Protecting Your Privacy

We take your privacy seriously here. We're committed to safeguarding your information and respecting your privacy, so you can browse worry-free.

Protection des informations

When it comes to guarding your personal info, we don't muck about. Imagine a digital safe, Fort Knox style, tucked away from prying eyes – that's what we're talking about.

First off, we scramble everything up with top-notch encryption. Like a right proper secret code, so even if some dodgy bloke tries to intercept, all they'll get is gibberish.

And our servers? They're like our own little fortress. Solid as a rock, with security that'd make a bobby blush. Access is strictly need-to-know, see? Only our most trusted chaps, the ones who eat, sleep and breathe data security, get anywhere near it.

We're also rather keen on a good audit every now and then. Making sure all the locks are holding, no loose ends. You can never be too careful, eh?

This digital world, it moves faster than a whippet on a racetrack, so we make sure our systems keep pace. Always updating, always one step ahead of the bad eggs.

And our crew? Trained to the nines, they are. Confidentiality's practically hardwired into their DNA.

So there you have it. Your information, safe as houses and treated with the utmost care. Because at the end of the day, your peace of mind is what matters most to us.

Utilisation des cookies

Right then, cookies. Those little digital crumbs? Well, they're not just for show, you know. Every time you click about our site, they're busy beavering away behind the scenes. Their job? Making sure your visit is smooth as a freshly poured pint and tailored just for you. They remember what you fancy, streamline the whole shebang so you can find what you need in a jiffy, and give us a nudge in the right direction for making things even spiffier next time you swing by.

Gestion des cookies

Now, if you fancy a bit of cookie control, head over to your browser settings, there's a good lad:

  1. Pop into "Options" or "Preferences".
  2. Have a gander at the "Privacy" section.
  3. Tweak your cookie choices to your heart's content. Though, best not to switch them off entirely, or you might miss out on all the fun.

Droits des utilisateurs

Consultation et modification des données

As our esteemed user, you've got rights, you do! Rights to your data, that is. Here's the lowdown:

  • Access: Have a peek at the data we hold on you, no problem at all.
  • Rectification: Spot something that's not quite right, or missing a detail? Give us a shout and we'll sort it out.
  • Suppression: Want to vanish from our records entirely? We'll be sad to see you go, but we can make it happen.
  • Limitation: Fancy putting a cap on how we use your data? We can work with that.
  • Portability: Need your data packed up neatly so you can whisk it off elsewhere? No bother, we'll get that sorted for you.

To exercise these rights, just have a gander for the privacy settings on our platform, or give our friendly customer service team a shout.

Contact pour les données personnelles

Got any burning questions or requests about your data? Don't hesitate to get in touch, old bean:

  1. Drop us a line at: [email protected]
  2. Use our handy online form: You'll find it nestled in the "Privacy" section of our site.
  3. If you're feeling traditional, a letter will do the trick: Address it to our Data Protection Officer at the following address:
    Company Immediate Connect, Data Protection Department, 1 Quality Ct, London WC2A 1HR, United Kingdom

We take your rights seriously, you see. Consider it a matter of principle. We'll always handle your requests with the utmost care and swiftness.

Get in Touch

Your trust is a right bobby dazzler, and we want you to feel chuffed and secure when you're using our services. We're well aware that means straight-talking and easy communication. So, if you've got a nagging doubt or a question about your personal data, our team's all ears and ready to give you clear, helpful answers.

Need a chinwag? Give us a shout! Pop a letter in the post, fire off an email, and bob's your uncle, we'll dive right into your request to get you sorted quickly and properly:

  • Company Immediate Connect
  • Data Protection Team
  • 1 Quality Ct, London
  • WC2A 1HR, United Kingdom

Or if it's easier, drop us a line at [email protected]. We're pretty nippy with our replies, so you won't be left hanging, that's a promise!

Protecting your information is close to our hearts. It's a bit like you're entrusting us with the keys to your secret garden, really. You rely on us to keep everything under lock and key, safe and sound, and that's exactly what we're committed to doing.

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Effective Date

Your data security is sacred to us! We make it a point to brief you on everything happening behind the scenes, whether it’s minor adjustments or major changes. Think of us as your friend who speaks candidly and shares everything, no holds barred.

Feel free to drop by here occasionally, just to ensure everything is in order. After all, it's your personal space, and we want you to have full control and awareness.

Modification Notifications

We like to keep things clear and free of surprises for you. So, whenever there’s something new, we display large virtual banners and pop-up messages while you browse our site to make sure you don’t miss any important information. And we promise, these little notifications are designed to catch your eye and make your life easier by providing everything you need to know, directly and simply.

If there’s anything that bothers you or if you want to dig deeper, our virtual door is wide open. Drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you promptly, giving you the attention you deserve.